European Vision : 4 priorities for energy efficiency & renewable heat

10/04/2024 | Transition énergétique

FEDENE is a business association representing companies operating in the fields of energy efficiency, building management, renewable heating and cooling and waste heat recovery.
It represents 50,000 employees across more than 1,500 enterprises, with annual revenue totalling 13 billion euros.
Like the “REPowerEU” plan, and more recently the European Commission’s communication on the 2040 climate objectives, energy debates are too often focused on electrification and electricity production.
However, heating and cooling represent almost half of the European Union’s energy consumption. Consuming less heat and producing it from local renewable energy sources and waste heat is essential for the success of the European energy transition.
The production of heat from renewable energy sources and waste heat complements perfectly decarbonised electricity : every terawatt hour (TWh) of heat produced from local renewable energy represents electricity that can be redirected to decarbonising other sectors, such as transportation !
Energy savings and heat from renewable energy sources and waste heat promote both decarbonisation and the resilience of European economies. On the eve of the new mandate, FEDENE identifies 4 priorities to achieve this strategic shift :

1. With the end of the “Fit for 55” package negotiations, the Union should open a new phase of action, namely stabilising and faithfully transposing the legislative package.
The development of the 2040 roadmap is an opportunity for the European Union to reaffirm its aspiration to achieve carbon neutrality.

2. The European energy policy should continue to prioritise energy efficiency, with a compelling logic of results and proven and mature solutions such as energy performance contracts that guarantee tangible and lasting energy gains.

3. The Union must encourage massive decarbonisation of heat. District Heating and Cooling (DHC) has demonstrated its ability to quickly switch a large number of buildings to heating methods that promote local renewable energy. FEDENE calls for the recovery of waste heat and cold on a large scale and the sustainable mobilisation of Europe’s first renewable energy : biomass.

4. To accelerate the energy transition, synergies between public and private actors must be strengthened, particularly on the financial side. FEDENE proposes to consolidate the numerous public programs around one-stop shops and to simplify processes to amplify the leverage effect of public aid. On the private side,
FEDENE supports the European Commission’s initiative to publish guidelines to unlock private investment in energy efficiency.
